- Renewable Energy: Solar, Wind, Biofuel,
- Energy efficiency Energy recovery
- Energy storage Fuelcell
- Water Desalination, disinfection
- Waste Recycling,
- Air Disinfection
- Agriculture Food efficiencies, biomass
Wind: Drivers& Dynamics
- Regulatory driving forces
- Guaranteed cashflows
- New entrants as well as classical energy providers
- Divestment strategies
- Technology
- Procurement backlogs
The Global Biofuel market is estimated at
25 million tons oil equivalent increasing to 50 million tons in 2010
Biodiesel growth estimated at 35%
Biodiesel sales estimated at € 8,5 Billion in 2010
- Continous growing market
- Fragmented market; Many Medium Sized Privately Owned Companies 100-2000 FTE
- Often Technology Leaders, yet undeveloped marketeers
- Geographical expansion takes (too) long
- Buy & Build Opportunities: pro active strategies needed
- Acceleration based on Proprietary Networks and Profound Industry Knowledge
- Active M&A market offers ample exit opportunities (GE, ITT, Siemens)